Add expenses in bulk

You can upload bulk receipt images or add receipt details in bulk.

SmartScan receipt images in bulk

  1. Click the Expenses tab.
  2. Drag and drop up to 10 images or PDF receipts at once from your computer’s files. You can drop them anywhere on the Expense page where you see a green plus icon next to your mouse cursor.
  1. Open the mobile app and tap the camera icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the camera icon in the right corner to select the Rapid Fire mode.
  3. Take a clear photo of each receipt.
  4. When all receipts are captured, tap the X in the left corner to close the camera.

Manually add receipt details in bulk

Note: This process is currently not available from the mobile app and must be completed from the Expensify website.

  1. Click the Expenses tab.
  2. Click New Expense and select Create Multiple.
  3. Enter the expense details for up to 10 expenses and click Save.

Upload personal expenses via CSV, XLS, etc.

Note: This process is currently not available from the mobile app and must be completed from the Expensify website.

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Account.
  2. Click the Credit Card Import tab.
  3. Under Personal Cards, click Import Transactions from File.
  4. Click Upload and select a .csv, .xls, .ofx, or a .qfx file.

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