Set time and distance rates

You can set rates for your workspace’s hourly billable and mileage expenses.

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the Group tab on the left.
  3. Click the desired workspace name.
  4. Click the Expenses tab on the left.
  5. Scroll down to the time or distance section and set your rates.
    • For distance:
      • If desired, adjust your unit (miles or kilometers) and your default category. These options will apply to all of your distance rates.
      • To add a new rate, click Add a Mileage Rate.
      • To edit an existing rate,
        • Click the toggle to enable or disable the rate.
        • Click the name or rate field to edit them.
    • For time,
      • Click the Enable toggle to enable hourly rate expenses.
      • Enter the default hourly rate.

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