Edit or cancel travel arrangements

To edit or cancel a travel arrangement,

  1. Click Travel in the left menu.
  2. Click Book or Manage Travel.
  3. Select Trips, and Individual or Company.
  4. Click into the booking to see more details.
  5. Select Modify or Cancel.

If there is an unexpected change to the itinerary (for example, a flight cancellation), Expensify’s travel partner Spotnana will reach out to the traveler to provide updates on those changes.

You can click Get Support on your emailed travel itinerary for real-time help with the booking. Any modifications, exchanges, or voidings made to a trip via support will incur a $25 booking change fee.

You can review your travel arrangements any time by opening the Trip chat in your inbox. For example, if you booked a flight to San Francisco, a “Trip to San Francisco” chat will be automatically added to your chat inbox.

To edit or cancel a travel arrangement,

  1. Open your Inbox.
  2. Select the trip in the left hand panel.
  3. Select the leg of the travel you want to update, or click View details.
  4. Click Modify Trip.
  5. Select Modify or Cancel.

If there is an unexpected change to the itinerary (for example, a flight cancellation), Expensify’s travel partner Spotnana will reach out to the traveler to provide updates on those changes.

You can click Get Support on your emailed travel itinerary for real-time help with the booking. Any modifications, exchanges, or voidings made to a trip via support will incur a $25 booking change fee.

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