Edit or cancel travel arrangements
To edit or cancel a travel arrangement,
- Click Travel in the left menu.
- Click Book or Manage Travel.
- Select Trips, and Individual or Company.
- Click into the booking to see more details.
- Select Modify or Cancel.
If there is an unexpected change to the itinerary (for example, a flight cancellation), Expensify’s travel partner Spotnana will reach out to the traveler to provide updates on those changes.
You can click Get Support on your emailed travel itinerary for real-time help with the booking. Any modifications, exchanges, or voidings made to a trip via support will incur a $25 booking change fee.
You can review your travel arrangements any time by opening the Trip chat in your inbox. For example, if you booked a flight to San Francisco, a “Trip to San Francisco” chat will be automatically added to your chat inbox.
To edit or cancel a travel arrangement,
- Open your Inbox.
- Select the trip in the left hand panel.
- Select the leg of the travel you want to update, or click View details.
- Click Modify Trip.
- Select Modify or Cancel.
If there is an unexpected change to the itinerary (for example, a flight cancellation), Expensify’s travel partner Spotnana will reach out to the traveler to provide updates on those changes.
You can click Get Support on your emailed travel itinerary for real-time help with the booking. Any modifications, exchanges, or voidings made to a trip via support will incur a $25 booking change fee.